
UK Airfields POIs for Google Earth

12th March 2025
Wednesday, 8:45am

POI (Point Of Interest) list of UK airports and airfields for use in Google Earth and TomTom SatNav systems.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Users: install MyFsGoogleEarth to link Google Earth with FS2004,
and use this airfield list to see exactly where you are flying and identify the nearby airfields.

The list is divided into two sections:
ActiveSites currently in use by civil / military / helicopters / gliders / etc. (blue icons)
DisusedSites no longer used for flying / demolished / redeveloped / etc. (red icons)
  • ICAO airport codes
  • Current and previous names
  • RAF, RN, Army, MoD airfields
  • Gliding sites / Helipads
  • Covers GB, NI, CI and IoM
  • (xxxx) = 4-letter ICAO code
  • [RAF] = Royal Air Force
  • [RN] = Royal Navy / Royal Marines
  • [G] = Gliding Site
  • [H] = Helicopters Only
  •  * = Approximate Location

Google Earth List of active and disused airfields. UKAirfields.kmz
Google Earth - Network Link As above, but the list is automatically
updated using data from this server.
TomTom List of active and disused airfields. UKAirfieldsTomTom.zip

List updated on 6th January 2010
Google Earth - Clicking on either of the two links above will download the list. Google Earth will start automatically and the airfields will be displayed.
Select the Network Link option to ensure you always have the most up-to-date version of the list installed (the latest version will be downloaded automatically from this server).
TomTom - Download the .ZIP file and extract the contents to an empty folder. Copy the .OV2 and .BMP files to the directory on your TomTom that contains the UK mapping data (to do this you will need to either connect your TomTom to the computer using a USB cable or insert the memory card into your computer's memory card reader if you have one).

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